Welp, that happened…
So long, 2020. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! If only it were that easy to turn the page on a year that has changed the world forever. However, with the vaccine in circulation, there is a faint light at the end of the dark tunnel that was 2020.
Lessons Learned
2020 forced us to simplify our existence to life-sustaining activities only. With “normalcy” on the horizon, what do you want your life to look like when you fully reenter the world? We have an interesting opportunity to plan for this transition. Did you realize anything about yourself and your pre-covid life while in isolation? Have you established new habits you want to continue post-covid? How will you simplify and declutter your life next year?
I Hate Resolutions.
Yes, I do and here’s why. Because, in making resolutions, I’m creating another unnecessary expectation to be anxious about. As a perfectionist, I don’t need to manufacture moments where I feel guilty about falling short. Unfortunately, that’s a battle I fight everyday. Case in point, I had a dream I jumped ahead of my mom in line to get a covid vaccine. 🤦♀️ However, I do want to be intentional about my approach to the new year. So, in 2021, I plan to look for ways to declutter my life.
Decluttering your Life isn’t only about Stuff
Decluttering is not only about cleaning out closets and getting rid of stuff you don’t use or need. Similarly, it’s about cleaning up the areas of your life that are messy like your finances, health and relationships. Decluttering your life is also about simplifying household chores like meal planning, grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry. By purging clutter and organizing your life, you’ll gain time and money. So, you can tackle your financial goals or personal passions!
The Art of Minimalism

Last year, I start learning about minimalism. The term kept popping up as I was doing research in preparation for the launch of my blog. Simply put, minimalism is the art of living with less.
Corporate America does an excellent job of convincing us that there is a void in our life without the newest phone, tech gadget, shoes, purse and so on. The pressure to maintain the same lifestyle as your neighbor is what keeps Americans in debt and the wheels of consumerism spinning. There’s a reason why phones and computers break after three or four years.
I’m not interested in giving away 90% of what I own.
I’m not either. Plus, I already approach life from a minimalistic perspective as I hate clutter. However, I think there’s a lot to learn from the minimalism movement. By decluttering your life and finding happiness and fulfillment with less stuff, you will make more space for the people and activities that bring you joy.
So, instead of setting new year resolutions, I’m assigning focus words to 2021. My words for this year are declutter and minimalism. I’ll cover topics like emotional attachment to things, conscious consumerism, paying down debt, planning for big purchases, how to buy second hand and repurposing.