Hello friends, my name is Amanda! I’ve been living on a shoestring budget my entire adult life. I love saving money and figuring out how to do more for less. On this site, you’ll find my tips and tricks for getting the most bang for your buck and recommendations on money saving products and services, mixed with the right amount of tough love to nudge you to toward your goals.
You work hard for your money; spend it with purpose. Here’s to Saving Jingle & Thriving Single!

Being Thrifty Is A Way Of Life
You can do a lot with a single, modest income, but to accomplish this, you need to change your spending habits and your relationship with money. Yes, that’s right. We have a relationship with money, just like we do with our family and friends- and the nosy neighbor across the street. And just like our relationships with people, our relationship with money is complicated, especially when you don’t have a lot of it. Looking at our spending habits objectively can stir up a lot of emotions, such as frustration, fear and anxiety. For this reason, many people ignore their finances and bury their head in the sand, hoping the problem will magically fix itself. We’re all guilty of putting something off until next month or the new year and then never doing it.
Single ladies, I see you. The Struggle is Real.
Getting through the work week can be emotionally draining, particularly when you’re on your own. There’s no one to help with the laundry list of household chores, no one to take your car to the shop when it breaks down for the millionth time or deal with the fly infestation in the kitchen (that happened to me). It’s all on your shoulders. The thought of trying to accomplish one more task, and a major one at that, is overwhelming. And you’re right, I’m asking you to transform a major area of your life.
Change is uncomfortable.
It’s not realistic to implement new behavior patterns overnight. The saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” definitely applies here. Breaking habits and changing behavior takes hard work and commitment. Your less attractive qualities will definitely bubble to the surface in protest. However, by making small adjustments over a long period of time and gradually shifting your perspective on money, you will notice a difference in your spending habits and your bank account.
Think about how empowering it would be if you controlled your money, not the other way around!
You are capable of doing difficult things and changing your life in the process! Let me help you change your spending habits and, in doing so, create more possibilities for your future. I know taking big steps on your own can be terrifying. This process will be challenging, but you can do it! I’ll be with you every step on the way.